Career Goals for 2019
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Career Goals for 2019

on 28 November 2020

​Another year has come to a close and we, at VacancyCentre, believe that every end of a chapter brings about new opportunities at the next open door. It is well known that many individuals give themselves new year’s resolutions for the upcoming year and work hard at achieving their goals and ambitions, whether they are to stop eating as much chocolate, or to earn a new qualification in their field. When it comes to our career goals however, what kind of goals should we want to achieve? It is crucial to have a career plan and career goals in this day and age. We have come up with a list below of some of the career goals one may want to achieve in the year of 2019, to inspire those that may have not considered how they want to achieve growth and success in their current position.

Acquire Further Education

Part of having a career plan is to always keep your skills valuable and up-to-date in any sector you are passionate about. Even if an individual has gained the right qualifications in their field, it is beneficial to grow upon those skills and increase awareness of the industry you work in. There are plenty of courses available free of cost on the internet, as well as part-time and online studies in Malta to choose from.

Make Good Business Relationships at Work

Having good business relations with your colleagues could be one of the top ways to integrate within a company and to have a good reputation among your peers and superiors. As funny as it may seem, lending a helping hand whenever possible and, having a calm and positive composure with all around you, can and will go a long way during your time within a company and will not go unnoticed.

Gain Work Experience and Responsibility

Whether you have just begun your career in Malta or have been in the same position for a couple of years, it is crucial to want to gain experience and responsibility that will perhaps lead to a promotion and even a salary raise based on the dedication and efforts that you put into your work. Success is a term that means different things for everyone and part of success at work is showing your respect and dedication towards the company you work at, which will be greatly rewarded by your employers in the shape and form they deem fit.

Get a Promotion

With enough skills and increasing responsibility, it will be sure that your employers will find a reason to offer you a promotion in your sector. This might not happen automatically and may take some months and even years, depending on the situation of the company you work for. With consistent positive results from your hard work, you will get noticed and rewarded accordingly.

Negotiate a Salary Raise

While getting a promotion may not be possible, due to a lack of growth in a particular area in a company, negotiating a salary raise may be. After a number of goals you may have achieved over a few months and even years, it is almost expected to be rewarded financially respectively, following your skills, responsibility and dedication to your company that increases your overall value to the organisation.

2018 can be a successful year for anyone with the right tenacity and determination one has in their current role. We promote the goal of being successful to all our clients and candidates, for themselves and VacancyCentre included. Our work is based on honesty and credibility and we would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone for making our company what it is today. We look forward to working with you in the next year and wish everyone a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Warmest Regards,

The VacancyCentre Team

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