Making a Great Impression at Your New Job
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Making a Great Impression at Your New Job

on 27 November 2020

​As a jobseeker, a first impression is always critically important.  First impressions about people often turn into long-term perceptions and opinions.

First impressions are important, so how can you improve your chances of making a great one when you’re starting a new job? Follow these 10 tips to help you make a great impression and avoid the mistakes typically associated with starting a new job.

  1. Dress Professionally

You should never underestimate the importance of dressing professionally. Studies have shown that people make a judgement about you within 7 seconds of meeting you, and the way you dress can impact this impression significantly.

In the beginning take care to dress professionally even on casual days. Perfectly groomed means efficient and reliable. Unkempt means disorganised and therefore difficult to trust with different assignments.

  1. Have a Positive Attitude

Nothing works better to improve people’s first impression of you more than having a positive attitude. Let your enthusiasm for being part of the team and the organisation show through to everyone you interact with.

  1. Learn Colleagues Names Quickly

No one expects you to know everyone’s name down at the end of the first day or week. Make it a priority to learn the names of every member of your team. If you are in a situation in which you forget a person’s name, the best solution is simply to apologize and ask again.

  1. Take Notes and Go to Orientation

Take notes on all the systems and rules of your new organisation. Attend all orientation sessions and accept any training that you are offered. Nothing will get you up to speed at a new job faster.

  1. Be Proactive

In most situations, you will be given small tasks at the beginning of a new job. Starting slowly eases you in without getting overwhelmed. As you finish assignments and are ready to handle a bigger workload, take the initiative and ask for more assignments.

  1. Learn Everything You Can about your New Employer

In theory, you should have already done your homework during the interviewing process, but there is always a lot more to learn once you’re on the inside. Get an employee handbook and study it. In addition, gather all those reports and company literature and read as much as you can to become an expert on your organisation.

  1. Get and Stay Organised

If you’re one of those super-organised people, this tip will be easy for you. The rest of us, however, need to develop a system for keeping track of meetings, appointments, tasks and projects. Use whatever means necessary to keep you on top of all your work. Try different ways and techniques until you find the perfect one; you certainly don’t want to miss an early key deadline or meeting in the early days of a new job.

  1. Set Goals

As you look ahead, set goals for yourself and then strive to achieve them. Revise your list every few months; what’s important to you in your first 3 months of a job will be different from the goals you have when you have been employed for 6 months.

  1. Network – Both in and out of the Office

At the workplace, take advantage of every opportunity to network with key people in your organisation. Attend staff meetings, professional conferences, and trade shows. Use every opportunity to meet colleagues in your field. Networking with key people can help you identify mentors within your organisation.

  1. Find a Mentor

Get introduced to senior staff, begin thinking about developing a mentoring relationship with a senior member within the company. Mentoring has numerous effect and benefits, from a simple sounding board to someone who helps direct and advance your career within the organisation.

Being the latest member of the organisation is both challenging and exciting. You’ll be faced with both difficulties and opportunities and your goal should be to make the most of all situations. These pointers should help you go far in making a positive and lasting impression at your new job.

For any guidance about your career and to discuss new job opportunities please do not hesitate to contact our team at VacancyCentre or [email protected]

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