General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)
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General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)

on 28 November 2020

​VacancyCentre has recently launched its new website and is proud to say that a big focus was put on General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to be in line with the most recent changes of personal data processing that were made public in May 2016, and required to be implemented by businesses and organisation by May of this year.

General Data Protection Regulation

In the past two decades, the amount and variety of change in technology and the internet has been increasing exponentially, requiring updated regulations to be set in stone for successful data protection. The GDPR impacts companies and individuals working in the European Union (even if not based in the EU) that collect personal data for the businesses’ requirements. The recent changes came about from the increasing rate of new technologies, followed by the agreement to keep all data collected by organisations to be up to date and protected accordingly.

According to previous minimal standard regulations that had been implemented back in 1995, fines were not thoroughly discussed, however with the updated regulations, organisations and individuals have been provided with a set list of rules of how to collect, process and delete data they have collected from individuals in the European Union. Those that do not comply will be required to pay fines according to the severity of their violation/s. A range of violations are listed with respective charges allowing better organisation and up to date information for all businesses working within the EU. Charges can reach up to 4% of their annual turnover globally or €20,000,000, whichever is higher, for the more serious violations.

With the amendments that have been set into place by VacancyCentre, along with multiple other companies, the public is able to trust us with the personal data they share with us through our website by giving their full consent for us to receive and process their data. An opt-out option is also available in the case of a specific individual requesting their personal information to be deleted, in which the organisation must adhere to the request of the individual and follow through accordingly. Individuals also have a right to know if the company’s collected data has been breached in any way if individuals’ high risk personal data is included, so that necessary actions can take place by the individuals themselves to protect their identity and any important financial and legal information. Last but not least, both data portability and data access by individuals themselves has also been approved for everyone to have a clear understanding of how data can be used and processed.

While GDPR has always been important to all companies in the past couple of decades, there is now a more significant focus on the new thorough regulations that have been implemented, along with regular checks. This will be an on-going requirement for organisations in 2018 and in the next couple of years.

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